Friday, August 14, 2009

Introduction to Title

Sitting on the huge back deck of Meme's (my maternal grandmother) breathtaking home, I often read the quote she had engraved in wood above the rambling creek: "If the rocks were removed, the brook would have no music". I would sit and think about how different that creek would be with no rocks. Would I hear the water moving with nothing standing in its way? That quote always stuck with me.

Then I went to college and majored in English where I learned about one thing representing another in literature. Ever notice how it's raining in the climactic scene of almost every movie made? Remember the TLC song "Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls"? Water signifies life--all that it is, gives us, takes from us... For instance, a lot of water such as a waterfall or heavy rain, would be major life experiences (good and bad), whereas TLC's 'rivers and lakes' and light rainshowers would be everyday life or minor experiences (good and bad). Then there are obstacles that life throws at us--those are the rocks in the streams, creeks, rivers that life must make its way around to continue on.

Meme's quote took on a whole new meaning to me. As an adult who has made it through life having to maneuver around some very large rocks (boulders, often), this quote became my life's theme. Because I believe that the person I've become, the music that I am, is due to the rocks that have been thrown, placed or rolled into my brook. Ever notice how boring people are who have had no real unpleasant experiences in their life? I'm truly grateful for my rock-filled brook!
Jen ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put. I don't think I'll ever "hear" water the same way again.



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